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Chiropractic Care

Melilli Chiropractic and Rehab Center

Chiropractor, Massage Therapy and Physical Therapy located in Clearwater, FL

Chiropractic care is recognized as being one of the most effective ways to treat back problems, but it also offers many other benefits. Experienced chiropractor Steven Melilli, DC, and the team at Melilli Chiropractic and Rehab Center provide exceptional chiropractic care to patients in Clearwater, Florida. You can benefit from their expertise in chiropractic adjustments. Arrange a consultation by calling the office today.

Chiropractic Care Q&A

What is chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care is an approach to health care that helps prevent injury and disease, as well as treating conditions when they occur.

Just like conventional medicine, chiropractic care uses the practitioner's extensive training and clinical experience, along with sound scientific principles and evidence-based guidelines to reach a diagnosis and recommend treatment.

One way that chiropractic care differs from traditional approaches to medicine is its emphasis on prevention rather than cure as a guiding principle. Another key difference is that chiropractic doctors are the only medical professionals who undergo training in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal subluxations.

Subluxation of the vertebrae in your spine (vertebral subluxation complex or VSC) means that they're out of alignment. Even a tiny misalignment in your spine could have significant effects on your back or neck.

What does chiropractic care involve?

Chiropractic care is holistic, which means it looks at every aspect of your life. Everything from how much exercise you get to your diet, stress levels, and environment can all have an impact on your health.

For this reason, the Melilli Chiropractic and Rehab Center team creates a treatment plan for each patient that includes recommended changes in lifestyle as well as chiropractic treatment. The ultimate aim of chiropractic treatment is to restore your body to a state of optimal health.

Your body has a remarkable natural ability to heal and keep itself healthy. Chiropractic care helps you remove anything that prevents normal healing. Chiropractic treatments and allied therapies then take care of any problems and dysfunctions.

What treatments are used in chiropractic care?

The primary treatment used in chiropractic care is the application of chiropractic techniques to realign vertebrae and restore correct alignment and function to your body. Techniques used at Melilli Chiropractic and Rehab Center include:

  • Cox Flexion Distraction
  • Diversified
  • Thompson drop
  • Activator

You can also benefit from the team's specialized training in extremity adjusting, which is chiropractic care for your arms and legs.

In addition to these chiropractic techniques, Melilli Chiropractic and Rehab Center provides physical therapy and massage therapy. The practice also works closely with Foot Levelers, which makes custom orthotics that help support your feet and prevent foot problems from affecting your chiropractic treatment.

Melilli Chiropractic and Rehab Center also supplies complimentary products like Charlotte's Web™ CBD oil and Metagenics® nutritional supplements to support your general health and well-being.

Call now to find out how chiropractic care could benefit you today.